1:1 coaching that helps you reclaim your energy, raise your vibration, and live INNERGETIC. A coaching program that teaches you how to manage your energy for a higher vibe existence full of confidence and purpose.

Feel into your most authentic life.


INNERGETICS taps into the power of mindset, energy management, and embodiment so you can reclaim your lost energy and create the higher vibration life you want. 

Too many of us are taught to settle for a life where we accept feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled. Everyone has days like that, but when these feelings follow us – really become our overall state of being all the time – we deserve permission to make a change. 

It’s time to take back your energy.

You’re sick of doubting your decisions and want to feel more confident and whole. 

You long for confidence.

You used to have a morning routine or mindfulness practice, but you didn’t see results or the good habits faded. You’re longing for more joy and sacredness in the present but aren’t sure what you need to get there.

You’re distracted.

You want to feel at ease in your relationships with others and yourself, but when your emotions get involved, you feel emotionally imbalanced and insecure.

You’re tired of feeling out of balance.

But despite your efforts to change old patterns and explore new paths, you never seem to feel like you’re on the right track. You long for meaning and greater purpose.

You’re looking for purpose.

There’s very little flow in your day-to-day life. You’re always trying to become something else and never feel like you’re living up to your full potential. 

You’re exhausted.

A packed calendar, a never-ending to-do list, and no matter how hard you try to get ahead, you can’t seem to get out of your constant cycle of busyness. 

You feel overwhelmed.


You felt deeply confident in your decisions and weren't reliant on external validation to set the course of your life.

Rather than feeling unbalanced, you released limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors and could finally move forward with a strong sense of well-being?

You had the tools to manage your own energy levels and the ability to coach yourself through challenging emotions & situations?

You could move through life with direction and meaning?

You lived with a sense of ease and actually looked forward to the future rather than fearing it?

You got back hours every day for the things that matter most to you?

Imagine that...

That's what Innergetics is for.

Uncover your behavioral patterns within relationships and learn how to set boundaries for happier, healthier relationships. 

Discover your inner cosmos. With a deep understanding of yourself, you’ll be able to make aligned decisions easily. 

Get clarity around your vision and purpose so that you can start taking action toward the life of your dreams.

Learn how to balance your energetic states and consciously raise your vibration for greater energy and more joy.

Release even the most stubborn of beliefs through subconscious reprogramming and finally find confidence, self-love and clarity. 

Embody your most authentic self so you can step into your full potential.

Create new habits, routines, and spiritual practices that will help you experience new ways of being and keep you on track long after your coaching sessions are finished. 

Learn how to use self-coaching tools & mindfulness practices that create emotional & mental balance.

Develop a healthy, wholesome, and nourishing connection with your body. 

Discover inner limitations and blockages preventing you from moving forward, and release them once and for all.

even the most stubborn of beliefs through subconscious reprogramming and finally find confidence, self-love and clarity. 


your most authentic self so you can step into your full potential.


new habits, routines, and spiritual practices that will help you experience new ways of being and keep you on track long after your coaching sessions are finished. 


how to use self-coaching tools & mindfulness practices that create emotional & mental balance.


a healthy, wholesome, and nourishing connection with your body. 


inner limitations and blockages preventing you from moving forward, and release them once and for all.


your behavioral patterns within relationships and learn how to set boundaries for happier, healthier relationships. 


your inner cosmos. With a deep understanding of yourself, you’ll be able to make aligned decisions easily. 


around your vision and purpose so that you can start taking action toward the life of your dreams.

Get clarity

how to balance your energetic states and consciously raise your vibration for greater energy and more joy.


Twelve weeks to reclaim your lost energy and create the higher vibration life you want. 
Energy Management Coaching to help you raise your vibration.
Welcome to

Energy Management Coaching to help you raise your vibration.



With regular check ins, you’ll stay accountable for all we discussed, and get support and feedback between sessions. 

Part of my role as your coach is to help you make changes. That’s why before and after our sessions, you’ll have my support through WhatsApp or Telegram.



Meditation is another tool that we will use to help you feel more grounded, connected, and present.  

Before stepping into your new belief system, you must first release old thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, identities, etc. Hypnosis is a particularly effective order tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind.



Between sessions, you’ll access extra material – journaling exercises, worksheets, recordings, and even resources I use for myself. Our work together is about creating self-awareness and understanding yourself better for powerful outcomes

Learn the tools you need to manage your emotional state and tap into the resources already within you. My goal is to make you feel empowered so that you can create the life you desire.



I combine mindfulness practices, energy work, and coaching tools to holistically support you in releasing old patterns, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

I am certified in empowerment and success coaching, NLP, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Tapping, Inner Child Work, and Time Techniques. I'm also a licensed 800h+ yoga, meditation, and breathwork teacher and a pranic healing practitioner.



It begins with gaining awareness of your emotional, mental and energetic blockages. From there, we’ll use targeted techniques to release these inner limitations and create deep fulfillment in all areas of your life. 

You are a multidimensional being, so my approach to coaching celebrates that. Reconnect with all aspects of your being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – so you can step into your full potential and create your desired life.



What to expect:

Twelve weeks OR 5 months to reclaim your lost energy and create the higher vibration life you want. 

So, are you ready to become innergetic?

Let’s call back your energy once and for all. 

I work with soulful women and men who want to be intentional with their energy. As a mindset and empowerment coach, I take a holistic approach to well-being. Through yoga, breathwork, meditation, coaching, and pranic healing, I can help you reconnect with your whole self.

You can think of me as your space holder.


You’re dedicated to a change. As your coach, I’ll guide you through the process, but it’s up to you to put in the work and take action toward the results you want.

You’ve tried other coaching, and haven’t gotten the desired results. Through a combination of mindset, mindfulness, and embodiment, this program is designed to get to the root of what’s holding you back so you can move forward.

You’re attracted to spirituality but have found other programs a bit too “woo woo.” INNERGETICS bridges the two realms with practical techniques.


Our first session will be a 90-minute coaching session where we create clarity around your vision and your ideal way of living. First, we will explore your big WHY and get clear on where you want to be. From there, we will discover your inner cosmos and release any limitations that block you from living your most authentic life. 

INNERGETICS is not a step-by-step process, and it’s not a fixed roadmap. I truly believe that everyone’s journey is unique. Therefore I will use different tools from my toolbox (NLP, EFT Tapping, Hypnosis, Inner Child Work, Time Techniques, Energy Work, Meditation, Breathwork, Sound Healing, etc.) to hold the space you need & support you on your journey.

Where do we start?  

There are two options within this program, depending on how long or intensive you’d like your program to be. You can choose between twelve weeks or five months, and the investments for each tier are…

12 weeks: 3.333€ 9x 1:1 Sessions 
5 months: 5.555€ 15x 1:1 Sessions

What is the investment? 

I get it. I really do! But trust me: When you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list and busy schedule, investing in a coach could be exactly what you need. 

Through our work, you will learn how to use your energy more wisely & efficiently so that you can focus on what’s important to you. Throughout the process, I’ll hold you accountable and support you on your journey towards more time for success, fulfillment, and joy. 

I’m not sure. I’m really busy , and don’t know if I can make time for this right now…

Sessions are available in German & English. English is also my second language, so I understand the challenges of learning in a language that isn’t your mother tongue!

If you are comfortable having a conversation in English, all the work we do together is possible. Hopefully, one day I will also be able to hold sessions in Portuguese, but this is still a long way away ;)

What if I don’t speak English very well?

Most of your time, money, and energy should be invested in yourself and your well-being. Training and working with mentors, coaches and healers were some of the most important investments I ever made in myself. 

We don’t need to do everything alone, and having people in our lives that hold space for us can make a big difference. So, if you’re feeling ready for this investment in yourself, but don’t have the funds right now, ask me about payment plans. 

I don’t have the funds right now. How can I join INNERGETICS anyway?  

Movement or Asana Practice is an optional part of the program. In fact, no part of the program is required! That said, the philosophical aspects of yoga are interwoven into INNERGETICS.  

If you are interested in practicing yoga with me or want to book this separately, find my 1:1 private yoga here.

What if I don’t want to do yoga / I already do sports / I don’t like it etc. 

Let’s begin with a free 15-minute clarity call to get to know each other. This will help me understand your needs and determine how I can best help you. From there, I create a customized INNERGETICS program so you can decide whether you’d like to work together.

How do I know if this program will really help me? 

Frequently asked questions


Let's call back your energy.
